Tel: 210-379-5934


BS in Architecture & Minor in Construction Science Management
OSHA Certified
Estimator/ Purchaser
Over 20 Years combined experience

Nik Villarreal comes to us with a wealth of experience and knowledge.  He graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2004 with his BS in Architecture.  His previous experience in the early days with Diamante Luxury Homes as a Project Superintendent transpired where he quickly learned how to manage subcontractors.  Since then Nik led a team of young architects at Luna Architecture where he could truly hone his craft.

Several years later Nik ran his own plan designing operation where he collaborated on larger construction projects such as Morgan’s Wonderland and San Antonio River Authority.  He also has Estimating and Purchasing experience which has led him into full circle to be one of the best assets on the team.  Nik is also OSHA certified and jumps at the chance to take any continuing education available.